Matt Zirzow and Zacharia Larson, Shara Larson, of Zirzow and Larson DEFEND Marc J. Randazza's actions and protect him. Matt Zirzow is Marc Randazza's Bankruptcy attorney and is enabling Marc Randazza to cover up years of speech chilling, anti-first amendment harassment. Attorneys Protecting Attorneys to RUIN the Lives of Women, to Prey on Woman, to Assault Woman is NOT a Free Speech Right or Issue.
Do the right thing and End your Life, suggestions that the woman should End their lives, the Gang Stalking Attorneys, do this in mass. I, investigative blogger Crystal Cox and investigative blogger Alexandra Mayers have told the courts, the authorities for years, they Continue to Protect Marc Randazza and attorneys like him.
THIS IS NOT OK. The Courts are Enabling These Attorneys to do this to woman who speak up, to woman who vote the way they don't want, to woman who stand up to them or up for themselves in any way. THIS IS NOT OK.
You CANNOT just SHRUG off these eMails, as these attorneys come at you from every direction and Ruin your Life. Marc Randazza, First Amendment Attorney is Flat out WRONG about Jason M. Feldman and attorneys like him. The eMail is Sexual Assault, it is extreme harassment and I consider it a death threat and many women do kill themselves over what these gang of protected abusive men do to them, and they are attorneys, officers of the court. They are believed over the women.
" Jason M. Feldman
After the vote, the female councilmembers received a bevy of negative and gender-related comments including an email signed “Warms Regards, Jason M. Feldman, Esq.” sent to all five of councilmembers Tuesday.
“As women, I understand that you spend a lot of your time trying to please others (mostly on your knees) but I can only hope that you each find ways to quickly and painfully end yourselves,” the email said. “Each of you should rot in hell for what you took from me yesterday.”
"The email – titled "Dishonorable Women of the Council" – went on to suggest the female councilmembers were "whoring" themselves out to the highest bidder and that they should "do the honorable thing and end yourselves."
The Puget Sound Business Journal contacted Feldman, who referred us to an attorney for comment. Marc J. Randazza taught is Feldman’s First Amendment attorney and former professor at the Barry University School of Law in Orlando.
“Jason has a colorful manner of communication,” he said. “I myself received emails like this from him while I was his professor, I did what an adult would do – shrugged it off. That's part of being a politician in America."
Ben Livingston – a Seattle marijuana advocate and real estate broker who specializes in pot shops – filed the most recent complaint against Feldman Tuesday, as first reported by Seattle news blogger Erica C. Barnett.
“This level of hatred and misogyny has no place in our public discourse,” Livingston said in an interview Wednesday. “I can’t allow that. The female councilmembers who receive this horrible litany of hate mail may not have the ability to respond, but other people can. People who go to that level of hatred need to be on warning – it’s not OK. People will stand up, even if the person you are attacking may not be able to.”
A spokeswoman from the Washington Bar Association said the organization does not comment on specific complaints until they are reviewed. Most of the bar's professional conduct rules concern interactions with clients, but "provides that it is misconduct for a lawyer to engage in conduct demonstrating unfitness to practice law."
The bar's suspension recommendation in the previous case included details about Feldman's alleged relationship with his client."
Just Because you are a Politician Does not GIVE attorneys such as Marc Randazza or Jason Feldman the right to push you to suicide, and assault you, scary you, threaten you, harass you.
Tip on Anything on this Post? eMail me at
The First Amendment is NOT about Private eMails.
It is about Public Speech right? eMailing someone and pushing them to kill themselves has seen convictions right? I mean some people do kill themselves from this pressure by gang stalking attorneys such as Marc J. Randazza who represents attorney Jason M. Feldman. A direct eMail is NOT really a Free Speech thing is it? It's more of a Death Threat, of Harassment, of Assault, isn't it?
"An email signed "Jason M. Feldman, Esq." and sent to the five women on the council repeatedly urged the council members to "end" themselves. It read, in part: "As women, I understand that you spend a lot of your time trying to please others (mostly on your knees) but I can only hope that you each find ways to quickly and painfully end yourselves." In response, local cannabis activist (and former Stranger contributor) Ben Livingston filed a complaint with the Washington State Bar Association against local lawyer Jason M. Feldman.
I reached Feldman by phone this morning. He refused to confirm that he sent the email and refused to comment except to remind me that the First Amendment exists. "I want you to make sure that you understand the level of scrutiny that is afforded political speech under the First Amendment," he said, refusing to comment further."
"Marc J. Randazza, a lawyer who once taught Feldman, doubled down in defending Feldman's unhinged behavior to the Business Journal. “Jason has a colorful manner of communication,” Randazza told Business Journal. “I myself received emails like this from him while I was his professor, I did what an adult would do—shrugged it off. That's part of being a politician in America."
Livingston, who filed the complaint, said he was offended by the misogyny and references to suicide in Feldman's email. "That level of misogyny and hatred has no place in our public discourse," Livingston said. "I was surprised he was a state-licensed attorney. He has a legal obligation to uphold certain ethical standards and he should know better."
Livingston added that it's important to "stand up" for council members who may not have the time to respond to hateful emails. In that same spirit, the National Women's Political Caucus is circulating a petition of solidarity with the council members. You can sign that here.
City council member Kshama Sawant's office declined to comment on all this, and Lorena González told me she's not commenting until she and her colleagues consider a "formal response." Council Members Sally Bagshaw and Debora Juarez did not reply to requests for comment.
In an interview, Council Member Lisa Herbold sounded deliberately cheerful. Herbold, a longtime city hall staffer who's new to the council, said she's never dealt with this kind of backlash "from a gender perspective" before. Of about 300 emails she received since Monday, Herbold says eight of them were "out of line," ranging from calling council members "ladies" to Feldman's. But she said she's also avoiding Twitter and most of Facebook.
"I'm not excusing the behavior," Herbold said. "I'm not saying it should be expected. But... I don't think the response we've heard is reflective of men, of sports fans, of NBA fans. In any group of people you're going to find a couple of people who cross the line."
Chris Hansen, the entrepreneur who wants to build the arena, called the misogynistic response "unacceptable." Council Member Rob Johnson and Mayor Ed Murray, who both supported the street vacation, have expressed "disappointment" at the public reaction.
At an unrelated press conference this morning, Murray—awkwardly, speaking on behalf of the women of the council as one of them, Herbold, stood right behind him—said "this must stop" and "Seattle is better than this."
But online, nowhere is really "better" than anywhere else. As Seattlish has pointed out, local reporters who presented Monday's results as men vs. women helped stoke this reaction. And, even without that unhelpful framing, the internet is notoriously hostile to women, no matter your zip code. Data from Pew Research shows that while internet users of all genders experience harassment, women are more likely to be stalked or sexually harassed. That can often be most severe for women who work in public, like politicians or journalists."
More Research on the Above Case
The Jason Feldman eMails are NOTHING to do with the First Amendment nor are they "political" speech. They are pure hate, assault, threats, bullying, intimidation.
Decision on Jason M. Feldman Washington State Bar Complaint
Emailing Someone Direct Hate, malicious derogatory messages, encouraging they kill themselves,and sexually assaulting them with words, DIRECTLY, is NOT a Free Speech Right, it is a Direct Threat. Direct Harassment and is NOT a First Amendment Issue. And they are Public Officials. The eMail was not opinion regarding their vote in this matter, it was pure hate, assault. Marc Randazza constantly defends EVIL Lawyers such as Jason M. Feldman of Washington State.
Oh and Don't Forget the Hypocritical Irony of Marc J. Randazza, Free Speech attorney, the disturbing, and I say criminal speech of guys like Jason Feldman, Marc Randazza PROTECTS, stands up for. Yet I, Crystal Cox speak Critical of Him and he and wife Jennifer Randazza sues me.
Monica Foster / Alexandra Mayers speaks critical of him he and his wife Jennifer Brochey Randazza sue her. Own a blog name Marc Randazza don't like and his entire family sues ya, like they did iViewit inventor Eliot Bernstein and me, Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox.
Marc Randazza DOES NOT SHRUG it OFF. He sues, and uses that lawsuit for endless amounts of years to take down online content in mass that speaks critical of him, he uses the legal case to defame, harass, attack and destroy those who stand up to him. He uses the case to subpoena your banks, phone company, friends, family, clients, colleagues and dig into your life as far as he can and DESTROY as much as he can.
Marc Randazza certainly does not act like the
proverbial Adult he speaks of and "shrug it off".
Blogger Crystal Cox DEDICATED to Exposing Marc Randazza |
For More on the Worlds MOST HYPOCRITICAL First Amendment, Free Speech Attorney Marc J. Randazza and wife Jennifer Brochey Randazza.
And to Follow Marc Randazza's Bankruptcy
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