Judge John Phillips Florida Judge has the opportunity to bring a large amount of Florida attorneys and Judges to justices and instead chooses to simply ban the only litigant who is telling the TRUTH and Exposing Corruption.
Florida Notary Kimberly Moran involved in admitted Notary fraud in which a Deceased man seems to have closed an estate and altered estate documents to benefit the WRONG heirs and to benefit the Tescher and Spallina Law firm of Boca Raton Florida.
There was also a mysterious Lasalle Trust claimed by lawyer Robert Spallina, or attempted to claim, of which is still unanswered to.
Why is Florida attorneys Donald Tescher and Robert Spallina, Florida attorneys not in Jail?
They admitted to altering documents. Kimberly Moran State of Florida Notary admitted to fraud and to falsifying documents yet the Florida courts, Palm County Police and Florida Probate Judges, Judge Martin Colin, Judge David French and Judge John Phillips simply allow the documents to be used to close multimillion dollar estates and to put a false Trustee in charge, who is only a Trustee due to the admitted forgery of said documents.
It is clear with a simple internet search that the Florida probate courts are massively corrupt. Florida Probate Judges are said to be taking pay offs in many forms to stall cases for years while parties that can pay pilfer the estate.
When you study all the court documents of the Shirley Bernstein Estate Case in Palm County, Boca Raton Florida and the Simon Bernstein case, you can easily see theft, fraud, arson poison, murder allegations uninvestigated, perjury, forgery and much more in which flat out deny the wishes of the deceased and make a whole lot of money off of their Death while the rightful heirs suffer. Yet ALL of the Florida authorities ignore these issues which are rampant in Florida and in which affect all Florida citizens, and heirs of Florida residents.
Florida probate Judges such as Judge Martin Colin, Judge David French and Judge John Phillips seem to answer to no one and have no accountability. They simply rule, what sure seems to be blatantly against the law and the rights of the deceased, no matter who are hurt and these ruling seem to benefit those connected directly to these Judges or in some way benefitting them.
The Florida Supreme Court as well as the Palm County Sheriff’s office have more than enough information to jail Donald Tescher and Robert Spallina, and I believe Ted Bernstein, of Life Insurance Concepts Boca Raton Florida. Yet they don’t seem to investigate.
Why is no one in jail for signing the signature of a dead man in Florida in which closed a multi-million dollar estate?
Why is there no investigation into murder when there is arson clearly in the autopsy report? http://www.iviewit.tv/SheriffandCoroner.pdf
Where is the Life Insurance Policy and who is the beneficiary? Why did Heritage Life pay a multi-million life insurance policy with no Policy, no beneficiary, and a murder reported?
More on Heritage Life Insurance in this case
It is not ok that the REAL heirs have suffered for years. That they have been tormented, and their quality of life suffered severely because of the wall of corruption in the Florida Probate Courts that clearly protects Florida Judges such as Judge Martin Colin, Judge David French and Judge John Phillips.
Why is Kimberly Moran State of Florida Notary not in JAIL? If she was coerced by Donald Tescher and Robert Spallina of Tescher and Spallina, the law firm she worked for, or Ted Bernstein of Life Insurance Concepts Boca Raton Florida then why are they not in JAIL?
Is it OK in the Florida Probate courts, in Palm County’s justice system, to simply sign a dead guys name and close millions and millions in money, jewelry, condos, houses and life insurance? Or is it only a “bad thing” if lawyers such as Alan Rose, Donald Tescher, Robert Spallina, Mark Manceri, John J. Pankauski of Pankauski Law Firm, Janet Craig and other Elite Florida probate attorneys are involved?
Kimberly Moran State of Florida Notary Suspension
Court Petition Naming Kimberly Moran, Florida Notary Public
Kimberly Moran, Florida Notary Fraud Police Report
Court Petition Naming Kimberly Moran, Florida Notary Public
Kimberly Moran Notary Fraud, Forgery Case. Kimberly Moran of Tescher and Spallina Law Firm response on Notary Fraud whereby she forged the signature of a deceased man to enrich her bosses Robert Spallina and Donald Tescher and DENY the true, moral and legal wishes of those whose Estate Robert Spallina and Donald Tescher were handling the affairs and assets of.
Notary Public Comparison of Signatures and Dates, Evidence in Kimberly Moran Notary of Tescher and Spallina Law Firm Fraud, Forgery Case
Police Report Filed by Ted Bernstein claiming his father Simon Bernstein had been murdered.
(It is marked "Medical Information"), yet it was called in as a MURDER.
More on Police Report
SEC Complaint regarding Donald Tescher and Robert Spallina,
SEC Charges Robert Spallina and Donald Tescher
The Florida Supreme Court knows how bad the Florida Probate courts are and do NOTHING or can do nothing to STOP the attorneys and Judges such as Judge Martin Colin, Judge David French and Judge John Phillips from harming families of Florida.
The Florida Governor knows of massive corruption and overreaching, unethical, unlawful, unconstitutional judges in the Florida Probate courts, especially West Palm and Boca Raton courts. Yet the Florida Governor DOES NOTHING and allows Florida residents, families to be continually harassed, violated, and stripped of their rights.
On top of knowing of the now infamous Kimberly Moran case, where it seems RICH Florida lawyers got a secretary to take the rap for them for millions in fraud, the Governor also knows more about the Simon Bernstein Estate Case and the Shirley Bernstein Estate Case, as seen at the link below;
If ALL of the Florida officials, FBI, Governor, courts, cops, detectives, attorney general, DOJ and more know of how bad the Florida Probate courts are and how high the wall of corruption is, then why is NOTHING being done to protect families such as the Eliot Bernstein family of Boca Raton Florida, who have endured over a decade of extreme harassment, threats, car bombs and more and the Florida justice system simply looks the other way and protects the entirety of the Corrupt Florida Probate Court and Judicial System.
What in the World are Florida Taxpayers paying their Judicial system for?
Hearing Transcript where Florida Probate Judge, Judge Martin H. Colin clearly knows of fraud on the courts, and has yet to actually follow through with the threatened reading of the Miranda rights.
Judge Martin Colin is not seeking re-election they say. I say Judge Martin Colin belongs in Prison and should be accountable to the victims of his court rulings.
Simon Bernstein Estate Case Docket
Shirley Bernstein Estate Case Docket
Full Docket Of Heritage Union Life Insurance Case Click Below
Insurance Schemes and Fraud on the Court, Ted Bernstein
Murder of Chairman of Iviewit Simon Bernstein? Attorneys Robert Spallina & Donald Tescher Admit Law Firm Violated Law
Where is the Palm County Sheriff in all this?
NOT protecting Florida Citizens that is for sure.
Sheriff Report, Spallina
Palm Beach County Sheriff Office Supplemental Report
Heritage Claim Form, Spallina Fraud
Fraud on the Courts, Tescher Spallina and Ted Bernstein
More Case Research
Lot’s more at the blog linked below. Use the search bar to search years of posts of find documents.
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