Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Jason M. Feldman seems to be a part of Marc J. Randazza's Gang Stalking Attorney Group. Attorneys who Abuse the Court Process and enable each other to Drive Woman to Suicide, Threaten and Harass women and not just a "regular" gang of thugs but actual attorneys who network with the courts to DESTROY the lives of woman who don't do what they want. And Marc J. Randazza First Amendment Attorney comes to their Rescue.

Marc J. Randazza and Ronald Green of Randazza Legal Group, along with Jennifer Brochey Randazza enable attorneys such as the one below, and protect them in court to harass these women to an extreme. Marc Randazza also supports and defends Pedophiles.

Matt Zirzow and Zacharia LarsonShara Larson, of Zirzow and Larson DEFEND Marc J. Randazza's actions and protect him. Matt Zirzow is Marc Randazza's Bankruptcy attorney and is enabling Marc Randazza to cover up years of speech chilling, anti-first amendment harassment.  Attorneys Protecting Attorneys to RUIN the Lives of Women, to Prey on Woman, to Assault Woman is NOT a Free Speech Right or Issue.

Do the right thing and End your Life, suggestions that the woman should End their lives, the Gang Stalking Attorneys, do this in mass. I, investigative blogger Crystal Cox and investigative blogger Alexandra Mayers have told the courts, the authorities for years, they Continue to Protect Marc Randazza and attorneys like him.

THIS IS NOT OK.  The Courts are Enabling These Attorneys to do this to woman who speak up, to woman who vote the way they don't want, to woman who stand up to them or up for themselves in any way. THIS IS NOT OK. 

You CANNOT just SHRUG off these eMails, as these attorneys come at you from every direction and Ruin your Life. Marc Randazza, First Amendment Attorney is Flat out WRONG about  Jason M. Feldman and attorneys like him. The eMail is Sexual Assault, it is extreme harassment and I consider it a death threat and many women do kill themselves over what these gang of protected abusive men do to them, and they are attorneys, officers of the court. They are believed over the women.
" Jason M. Feldman

After the vote, the female councilmembers received a bevy of negative and gender-related comments including an email signed “Warms Regards, Jason M. Feldman, Esq.” sent to all five of councilmembers Tuesday.

“As women, I understand that you spend a lot of your time trying to please others (mostly on your knees) but I can only hope that you each find ways to quickly and painfully end yourselves,” the email said. “Each of you should rot in hell for what you took from me yesterday.”

"The email – titled "Dishonorable Women of the Council" – went on to suggest the female councilmembers were "whoring" themselves out to the highest bidder and that they should "do the honorable thing and end yourselves."

The Puget Sound Business Journal contacted Feldman, who referred us to an attorney for comment. Marc J. Randazza taught is Feldman’s First Amendment attorney and former professor at the Barry University School of Law in Orlando.

“Jason has a colorful manner of communication,” he said. “I myself received emails like this from him while I was his professor, I did what an adult would do – shrugged it off. That's part of being a politician in America."

Ben Livingston – a Seattle marijuana advocate and real estate broker who specializes in pot shops – filed the most recent complaint against Feldman Tuesday, as first reported by Seattle news blogger Erica C. Barnett.

“This level of hatred and misogyny has no place in our public discourse,” Livingston said in an interview Wednesday. “I can’t allow that. The female councilmembers who receive this horrible litany of hate mail may not have the ability to respond, but other people can. People who go to that level of hatred need to be on warning – it’s not OK. People will stand up, even if the person you are attacking may not be able to.”

A spokeswoman from the Washington Bar Association said the organization does not comment on specific complaints until they are reviewed. Most of the bar's professional conduct rules concern interactions with clients, but "provides that it is misconduct for a lawyer to engage in conduct demonstrating unfitness to practice law."

The bar's suspension recommendation in the previous case included details about Feldman's alleged relationship with his client."


Just Because you are a Politician Does not GIVE attorneys such as Marc Randazza or Jason Feldman the right to push you to suicide, and assault you, scary you, threaten you, harass you.


Tip on Anything on this Post? eMail me at 

The First Amendment is NOT about Private eMails. 

It is about Public Speech right? eMailing someone and pushing them to kill themselves has seen convictions right? I mean some people do kill themselves from this pressure by gang stalking attorneys such as Marc J. Randazza who represents attorney Jason M. Feldman. A direct eMail is NOT really a Free Speech thing is it? It's more of a Death Threat, of Harassment, of Assault, isn't it?

"An email signed "Jason M. Feldman, Esq." and sent to the five women on the council repeatedly urged the council members to "end" themselves. It read, in part: "As women, I understand that you spend a lot of your time trying to please others (mostly on your knees) but I can only hope that you each find ways to quickly and painfully end yourselves." In response, local cannabis activist (and former Stranger contributor) Ben Livingston filed a complaint with the Washington State Bar Association against local lawyer Jason M. Feldman.

I reached Feldman by phone this morning. He refused to confirm that he sent the email and refused to comment except to remind me that the First Amendment exists. "I want you to make sure that you understand the level of scrutiny that is afforded political speech under the First Amendment," he said, refusing to comment further."

"Marc J. Randazza, a lawyer who once taught Feldman, doubled down in defending Feldman's unhinged behavior to the Business Journal. “Jason has a colorful manner of communication,” Randazza told Business Journal. “I myself received emails like this from him while I was his professor, I did what an adult would do—shrugged it off. That's part of being a politician in America."

Livingston, who filed the complaint, said he was offended by the misogyny and references to suicide in Feldman's email. "That level of misogyny and hatred has no place in our public discourse," Livingston said. "I was surprised he was a state-licensed attorney. He has a legal obligation to uphold certain ethical standards and he should know better."

Livingston added that it's important to "stand up" for council members who may not have the time to respond to hateful emails. In that same spirit, the National Women's Political Caucus is circulating a petition of solidarity with the council members. You can sign that here.

City council member Kshama Sawant's office declined to comment on all this, and Lorena González told me she's not commenting until she and her colleagues consider a "formal response." Council Members Sally Bagshaw and Debora Juarez did not reply to requests for comment.

In an interview, Council Member Lisa Herbold sounded deliberately cheerful. Herbold, a longtime city hall staffer who's new to the council, said she's never dealt with this kind of backlash "from a gender perspective" before. Of about 300 emails she received since Monday, Herbold says eight of them were "out of line," ranging from calling council members "ladies" to Feldman's. But she said she's also avoiding Twitter and most of Facebook.

"I'm not excusing the behavior," Herbold said. "I'm not saying it should be expected. But... I don't think the response we've heard is reflective of men, of sports fans, of NBA fans. In any group of people you're going to find a couple of people who cross the line."

Chris Hansen, the entrepreneur who wants to build the arena, called the misogynistic response "unacceptable." Council Member Rob Johnson and Mayor Ed Murray, who both supported the street vacation, have expressed "disappointment" at the public reaction.

At an unrelated press conference this morning, Murray—awkwardly, speaking on behalf of the women of the council as one of them, Herbold, stood right behind him—said "this must stop" and "Seattle is better than this."

But online, nowhere is really "better" than anywhere else. As Seattlish has pointed out, local reporters who presented Monday's results as men vs. women helped stoke this reaction. And, even without that unhelpful framing, the internet is notoriously hostile to women, no matter your zip code. Data from Pew Research shows that while internet users of all genders experience harassment, women are more likely to be stalked or sexually harassed. That can often be most severe for women who work in public, like politicians or journalists."

More Research on the Above Case

The Jason Feldman eMails are NOTHING to do with the First Amendment nor are they "political" speech. They are pure hate, assault, threats, bullying, intimidation. 

Decision on Jason M. Feldman Washington State Bar Complaint

Emailing Someone Direct Hate, malicious derogatory messages, encouraging they kill themselves,and sexually assaulting them with words, DIRECTLY, is NOT a Free Speech Right, it is a Direct Threat. Direct Harassment and is NOT a First Amendment Issue. And they are Public Officials. The eMail was not opinion regarding their vote in this matter, it was pure hate, assault. Marc Randazza constantly defends EVIL Lawyers such as Jason M. Feldman of Washington State.

Oh and Don't Forget the Hypocritical Irony of Marc J. Randazza, Free Speech attorney, the disturbing, and I say criminal speech of guys like Jason Feldman, Marc Randazza PROTECTS, stands up for. Yet I, Crystal Cox speak Critical of Him and he and wife Jennifer Randazza sues me.

Monica Foster / Alexandra Mayers speaks critical of him he and his wife Jennifer Brochey Randazza sue her. Own a blog name Marc Randazza don't like and his entire family sues ya, like they did iViewit inventor Eliot Bernstein and me, Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox.

Marc Randazza DOES NOT SHRUG it OFF. He sues, and uses that lawsuit for endless amounts of years to take down online content in mass that speaks critical of him, he uses the legal case to defame, harass, attack and destroy those who stand up to him. He uses the case to subpoena your banks, phone company, friends, family, clients, colleagues and dig into your life as far as he can and DESTROY as much as he can.

Marc Randazza certainly does not act like the 
proverbial Adult he speaks of and "shrug it off".
Blogger Crystal Cox DEDICATED to Exposing Marc Randazza

For More on the Worlds MOST HYPOCRITICAL First Amendment, Free Speech Attorney Marc J. Randazza and wife Jennifer Brochey Randazza.

And to Follow Marc Randazza's Bankruptcy

Thursday, November 9, 2017

The tactics of the Gang Stalking attorneys who work with Marc Randazza and I allege some judges in the past are just as evil as what we are hearing about Harvey Weinstein and worse. Many of these targeted whistleblowers are harassed and shamed into suicide. Marc Randazza is NOT above the law nor is ANY attorney, Godaddy insider, Google insider, Court Clerk, or ANYONE else who helped Randazza to silence Victims.

Marc Randazza, Randazza Legal Group and their conspirators are CONSTANTLY active in suppressing Journalism.  They use their power and position as officers of the court to intimidate, threaten, bully, and shut down those who expose the Porn Industry secrets, expose human trafficking, EXPOSE predators, and EXPOSE the attorneys who protect them. 

Marc Randazza, Ron Green and Randazza Legal Group sidesteps the First Amendment and use any intimidation tactic available. Your hearing now of how Harvey Weinstein got a gang of investigators, lawyers, spies and more to silence and intimidate women. Randazza and his co-conspirators, I allege, do the same tactics to SILENCE journalists which is what investigative bloggers are. The BIG difference is they are OFFICERS OF THE COURT.

Randazza succeeds in removing mass content, getting huge judgments, getting bank records and phone records, alienating people by threatening to sue anyone who is connected to them or works with them and drives them into financial ruin, constant never ending fear and stress, and after years of that Randazza Legal Group WILL file in a court of law to make their VICTIM, their TARGET pay for their legal fees for attacking, harassing, tormenting, suing, defaming and ruining the Targets life. 

Just as the Weinstein case, we see large amounts of victims come out and tell the courts what officers of the court Randazza Legal Group and ALL connected attorneys are doing. And the courts have thus far protected these guys.

They actual file lawsuits against each others targets, they blog the conspired narrative in mass among many "credible" officers of the court aKa attorneys. These malicious "opinions" on blogs by officers of the court are not only deemed credible and true but they are used as actual EXHIBITS in a Court of Law as Unadjudicated yet VERY EFFECTIVE evidence against their target.

These Gang stalking Attorneys are believed over and over as their target is NOT believed, ruled against and their life is ruined. 

Check Out Jennifer Randazza and Marc Randazza suing me, Crystal Cox to shut down massive online content, steal domain names and redirect them to their commercial site, bully me, harass and threaten me. Read it all and learn how these attorneys do this.

Also research J. Devoy cases and cases that involve Judge Navarro and many unconstitutional TRO's. There are many cases out there where these guys sue a target, get the precedence they want, shut down content (Chill Speech) and get a Judgment in their favor to pay them HUGE legal fees for their fraud on the court, torturous interference, bullying, lying, threatening, HORRIFIC RETALITION.

Randazza v. Cox Docket

THESE GANG STALKING ATTORNEYS threaten, sue, bully, intimidate, stalk, blog hate in mass, drive by victims homes, publish victims home address, and have a constant campaign to keep them quiet WHATEVER IT TAKES.

Alexandra Mayers was sued by Jennifer Randazza, the wife of First Amendment PORN attorney Marc Randazza. Jennifer Randazza claimed Alexandra Mayers Defamed her "per se" and painted her in False Light.  This is SERIOUSLY Laughable, a Parody, a Joke. Oh wait its a REALLY BIG DEAL. As this EVIL woman, Jennifer Randazza seems to have convinced a seemingly rogue and corrupt court to actual rule in her favor. I wonder that that cost??? "per se"

J. Malcom DeVoy and Ronald Green of Randazza Legal Group represented Jennifer Randazza in this malicious UNCONSTITUTIONAL, Unlawful Lawsuit to silence and intimidate a journalist.

Alexandra Mayers / Monica Foster NEVER had an "unhealthy obsession" with Jennifer Randazza. Instead Alexandra Mayers dedicated her life to doing the right thing and reporting on the REAL "bad guys" such as Jennifer Randazza's husband and the thugs at his law firm Randazza Legal Group who were causing real harm to people.

Alexandra Mayers was reporting on them, exposing them and making fun of them as his her First Amendment Protected right. Jennifer Randazza is the one who had the VERY "unhealthy" obsession with Monica Foster / Alexandra Mayers . Why not ignore the name calling? I allege that Jennifer Randazza sued Alexandra Mayers as a PROXY for her husband and his gang stalking co-conspirators to suppress Alexandra Mayers speech, steal blogs and other intellectual property, and to intimidate and bully Alexandra Mayers .

Marc Randazza has a SERIOUS "unhealthy obsession" with any woman who DARES to make fun of him, call his wife a slut, expose his illegal behavior, report on porn industry criminal allegations and unethical behavior and most of all WOMEN WHO DARE TO STAND UP TO HIM.

When Jennifer Randazza Gets BUTTHURT she sues the Women who Stood up to her THUG of a Hubby
Check Out A-14-699072-C | Jennifer Randazza, Plaintiff(s) vs. Alexandra Mayers, Defendant AND see how to SHUT down the TRUTH and use the Judicial Process for REVENGE against someone who called you a slut and made "parody" of your high profile life that has NO RIGHT to Privacy as suggested in their legal cases as a matter of law.  See the link below for Federal Judge SHUT down of these allegations.

Yet somehow the Nevada State court went along with Jennifer Randazza???

Was Jennifer Randazza connected to Organized Crime or Pornography? Ummm geee Duh, all you have to do is look at Marc Randazza's blogs, or pool parties with predators they took their kids to as seen in this Arbitration.

Jennifer Randazza and Marc Randazza I ALLEGE have Committed SERIOUS "INTENTIONAL MISCONDUCT" in Mass and have used the power of our legal system to do it.

A-14-699072-C | Jennifer Randazza, Plaintiff(s) vs. Alexandra Mayers, Clark County Nevada Rob Bare, Bonnie Bulla Case Docket Linked Below

How in the World did Clark County Courts let Jennifer Randazza get away with these knowingly false pleadings and I allege perjury? Well who knows? I do know the TRUTH has a tendency to comet out. SO one day that too will surface from the "False Light" to the "True Light".

We all thought that Jennifer Randazza contacted Monica Foster / Alexandra Mayers and set up a meeting to discuss trying to get away from Marc Randazza. I FULLY believed that to be true, so did other followers of Monica's blogs. As someone claiming to be Jennifer Randazza contacted Monica Foster / Alexandra Mayers, that really happened.

Monica posted on her blog about the meeting, and yeah to Divorce Marc Randazza would be to leave #organisedcrime and #prostitution as that is the industry he works in as the RECORD everywhere CLEARLY shows. So to sue Jennifer Randazza contacted Monica Foster / Alexandra Mayers

Jennifer Randazza made false and SERIOUSLY HARMFUL statements about me Crystal Cox and did see in sworn to be true court filings. Flat out LIES, Defamation and False Light to a Federal Court about me, yet that's ok? Why? Because it is my life SHE ruined in suing me?

None of Jennifer Randazza's allegations are "highly offensible" to the "reasonable person" and even if poor baby Jennifer Randazza was offended SO WHAT. The Randazza's are the Face out there on the TV and in other mass media fighting for the right to OFFEND People.


Again See The Court Order Below. Jennifer Randazza does not get to claim this shit, as a matter of LAW.  Summary Judgement DENIAL in Randazza c. Cox. Jennifer Randazza is NOT above the Law.

I allege that Jennifer Randazza perjured herself in this case and I hope to soon file criminal charges myself as Jennifer Randazza is a very dangerous woman, using the power of our judicial system and her officer of the court husband to SHUT DOWN women who call her out, tell the truth about her and her husband and make fun of Jennifer Randazza.

Jennifer Randazza had such an Unhealthy Obsession with me, Crystal Cox, that she sued me for around 30 million and her husband and his law firm took my intellectual property in MASS to shut down my Speech about the RANDAZZAS.

These Free Speech hating Jackasses simply removed my blogs about princess Jennifer Randazza.  So we may never get to the bottom of this Slut thing or allegations of how Marc Randazza and Jennifer Randazza really met? Got a Tip?

We shall examine the Whole Is or Was Jennifer Randazza a Slut thing

Well Marc Randazza sure does describe what I allege is a SLUT, check it out
"we had a particularly spirited drunken tryst that day. Yep, some great scuba diving, some great mojitos with some of my best friends, a little whisper of “lets go take a nap,” in my ear, and a new life begins."
Source and Full Drunken Tryst

Oh and Check out Marc Randazza Defending Rush Limbaugh to call Sandra Fluke a SLUT, but We Dare not call Drunken Tryst get knocked up by a Porn Attorney clearly using no protection Jennifer Brochey Randazza a SLUT, how dare we

Check this out

Oh and this one, at 1;15 into it is a discussion where going after another guys wife is a First Amendment RIGHT but not for Crystal Cox or Alexandra Mayers, NOPE Sue Them.

Check it out

And don't forget Joseph Rakofsky

Joseph Rakofsky explained in great detail what these guys were doing and that was years ago. Still our Courts let this behavior continued. I mean who is going to disbelieve a bunch of attorneys saying the same thing and even bloggging flat out lies about people that is then used by the other attorneys in court cases as UNADJUDICATED yet effective Evidence against their target.

Joseph Rakofsky AGAIN told the courts exactly what these attorneys were doing and the Courts simply ignored the victims and chose the bad guy attorneys. Meanwhile the litigant/victim is discredited in mass by their gang of attorneys, forensic accountants, journalists and judges.

Open Letter I wrote to Joseph Rakofsky

                                                                                   INDE)( NO.: 105573/11




A Few Research Links on  Rakofsky v. the Internet.

Joseph Rakofsky reported the Truth and experienced Judicial Retaliation in mass.

And there are many More. The Courts know and thus far have let these guys continue to use this same tactic in State and Federal Courts. I Allege over and over that all Marc Randazza, Ronald Green, J. Devoy and ALL the attorneys named in the cases above really are and have done this stuff and the courts NEED to stop letting them get away with it.

Some more Drunken Tryst Research

Sunday, October 29, 2017

In Randazza v. Cox, Nevada Judge Gloria Navarro issued an unconstitutional TRO against Blogger Crystal Cox and Gave Marc Randazza massive online content and intellectual property. Thereby shutting down Cox's speech and flat out stealing blogs, online content and redirecting MY WORK and PROPERTY to Randazza's Legal Blog SLAMMING me and Promoting him and his law firm. In that Case it was OK and seemingly Lawful for a Federal Judge to go ahead and take my Constitutional Rights. Check Out this case below where WORLDS Most Hypocritical Lawyer Marc Randazza Makes the OPPOSITE CASE AGAIN.

"In the motion to dissolve the order, attorney Marc Randazza points out that fashioning a libel lawsuit as a tortious interference lawsuit doesn't change the ultimate goal of the litigation: to silence criticism."

"Judge Decides Free Speech Is Still A Right; 
Dumps Prior Restraint Order Against Mattress Review Site

A couple of weeks ago, a federal judge in Utah decided prior restraint was the best way to handle a recently-filed defamation suit against Honest Mattress Reviews by Purple Innovations, makers of the Purple Mattress.
Purple's lengthy filing contained numerous allegations of harm caused by Honest Mattress Reviews' extended commentary on the white plastic powder covering every mattress Purple ships. It also alleged HMR was just a front for site owner Ryan Monahan's brand management work with Purple's competitor, Ghostbed. Rather than give HMR a chance to respond, the judge decided the review site could publish nothing further about Purple or the lawsuit. It wasn't even allowed to refer to its previous rating of Purple's mattress.
Honest Mattress Review didn't care much for this decision -- one it had been given no chance to contest. It immediately posted an article about the case and offered to comply with the letter of the order, but perhaps not its spirit.
This temporary order commands that we take down all reviews, and even cease rating this company with a rating of “Poor.” Yes, indeed, we are no longer even permitted to rate this company as Poor. I guess we will change its rating to “💩.”
Do you trust a company that, rather than compete in the marketplace, decides that it will just try and sue negative reviews out of existence?
Purple Innovations immediately returned to court, demanding it find HMR in contempt of its order, in particular pointing to the poo emoji and HMR's claims about the unconstitutionality of the order and Purple's alleged disingenuousness in filing the libel suit.
That review has since been reinstated and given this header image.
And HMR has published a long list of court documents it has filed in this case. This includes a motion to dissolve the restraining order and a preliminary examination of the powdery substance Purple claims is harmless and that HMR claims could be hazardous to purchasers' health.
The action is a quintessential SLAPP suit designed to suppress negative consumer journalism. Plaintiffs have cleverly attempted to disguise this defamation claim as a Lanham Act claim – presumably to ensure the availability of Federal Court jurisdiction and to try to side-step the clear case law that cuts against them in defamation actions. But, no matter how eloquently someone may call a “dog” a “chicken,” it will never lay eggs. And styling a specious defamation claim as a Lanham Act claim does not remove the underlying speech from the protections afforded by the First Amendment.
He also points out that Purple's claims that the plastic packing dust is harmless haven't been supported by anything Purple's willing to let customers and competitors view. Instead, it's only made vague assertions about its safety. And those statements are ultimately meaningless when examined closely.
Plaintiff sells mattresses that are made of a rubber honeycomb, which they then dust with a powder that they claim is made of plastic and has been shown to be polyethylene microspheres. In other words, someone who sleeps on these mattresses would be expected to inhale these microspheres. The Plaintiff claims that it is “non toxic” and “food grade” plastic – but this does not assuage the concerns. After all, a plastic fork is “food grade” and “non toxic” but you most certainly would not want to actually eat it. The same goes for what a person wants to put in their lungs. It was reasonable to be concerned about this “plastic powder” since (a) if the particles that make up this plastic “powder” are of a certain size, they will pass through the alveoli into the bloodstream; or (b) if they are a bit larger, they will simply lodge themselves inside the lungs.
To support its claims, HMR put a Harvard Professor of Pathology to work. Dr. John Godleski's report[PDF] is far from complete at this point, but what's contained in his preliminary examination of the powder doesn't appear to agree with Purple's assertions of harmlessness.
By Fourier Transformed Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), the white powder particles were shown to be polyethylene, and the purple frame was found to be polyethylene-polypropylene copolymer. The foam portion of the mattress is still understudy, but has characteristics of butadiene, and may be a form of butadiene polymer.
Polyethylene is a common plastic formed into many structures. As inhalable microspheres, these have the potential to cause respiratory irritation especially when inhaled in large numbers as shown in my laboratory (1- 4). In addition, polyethylene has been associated with allergy in the form of either asthma or contact dermatitis in sensitized individuals (5-7). Based on this assessment, it is important for consumers to be aware of the composition of this fine particulate matter in the mattress which may be released into the air and has the potential for the development of respiratory or dermal hypersensitivity in some individuals.
Also included in the filed documents is an affidavit that undercuts Purple's claims about HMR's site owner being a competitor's "brand manager." This is central to Purple's Lanham Act claims -- the claims it's using to sidestep anti-SLAPP motions. The affidavit from the competitor (Ghostbed) notes HMR's site owner has never been directly employed by Ghostbed and that Ghostbed told him to stop referring to himself as its "brand manager" after noticing that statement on his Twitter profile.
The judge presiding over the case appears to have been overwhelmed by the pile of documents landing on his desk. A short order [PDF] issued on the 15th shows what can happen when a normally adversarial process is allowed to be, you know, adversarial.
For the reasons set forth in the parties’ briefing and at oral argument, the court finds a lack of “clear and unequivocal” support for a right to relief that is necessary for the entry of the “extraordinary remedy” of a preliminary injunction. Greater Yellowstone Coal v. Flowers, 321 F.3d 1250, 1256 (10th Cir. 2003). As such, the court hereby grants Defendants’ motions to dissolve the Temporary Restraining Order (Dkt. No. 36), and denies Plaintiff’s oral Motion to convert the Temporary Restraining Order into a Preliminary Injunction. The court similarly denies Plaintiff’s Motion for Leave to Conduct Expedited Discovery (Dkt. No. 39) and Motion for Order to Show Cause Why Defendants Should not be Held in Contempt (Dkt. No. 17). The court further denies Defendants’ request for sanctions, finding that such sanctions are not warranted here.
The restraining order is lifted and HMR's turd-laced post isn't in danger of being found contemptuous. The lawsuit should continue in a more constitutional fashion from this point forward.


"Conclusion and Relief Sought
Because Defendants are likely to succeed on a motion to vacate the TRO, before this Court or on appeal, a stay of the TRO is warranted. Defendants’ fundamental First Amendment rights must not be stymied by the speculations of a Plaintiff who wishes to shut down discussion rather than answer legitimate questions, no matter how hyperbolically raised. Plaintiff has no likelihood of success on its underlying claims and was not entitled to the TRO.

Case 2:17-cv-00138-DB Document 28 Filed 03/09/17 Page 23 of 25
- 24 -
The exigency and urgency of dissolving this temporary restraining order can not be
overstated. Even a temporary suppression of First Amendment rights is itself irreparable harm.
However, given that this is information consumers need to make an informed decision about the health risks inherent in use of the Purple Mattress, even a temporary suppression of this information could be the proximate cause of actual illness or injury."

" Plaintiff is clearly aggressively intent on suppressing this information. At this point, the reporting has been shored up by the expert report of Dr. Godleski. The Purple Mattress, as currently manufactured, appears to be a public health hazard. This Court should abide no further censorship. "

Source of Above and Full Hypocritical Filing

Judge Grants Randazza's Order. To bad I did not have this judge when Randazza got a TRO against me in Randazza v. Cox

"Before the court are Plaintiff’s Motion for Order to Show Cause Why Defendants Should
not be Held in Contempt (Dkt. No. 17), Defendants Ryan Monahan and Honest Reviews, LLC’s
Emergency Motion to Stay and Dissolve Temporary Restraining Order (Amended) (Dkt. No. 28), Defendant Ghostbed Inc.’s Motion to Dissolve the Temporary Restraining Order (Dkt. No. 36),

"For the reasons set forth in the parties’ briefing and at oral argument, the court finds a
lack of “clear and unequivocal” support for a right to relief that is necessary for the entry of the “extraordinary remedy” of a preliminary injunction. Greater Yellowstone Coal v. Flowers, 321 F.3d 1250, 1256 (10th Cir. 2003). As such, the court hereby grants Defendants’ motions to dissolve the Temporary Restraining Order (Dkt. No. 36), and denies Plaintiff’s oral Motion to convert the Temporary Restraining Order into a Preliminary Injunction. "

"For the foregoing reasons, and for those expressed in the parties’ briefing and oral
arguments, Docket Numbers 17 and 39, as well as Plaintiff’s oral Motion to convert the
Temporary Restraining Order into a Preliminary Injunction, are hereby DENIED. Docket
Number 28 and the portion of Docket Number 36 requesting dissolution of the Temporary
Restraining Order are GRANTED. Defendants’ request for sanctions is DENIED."

Source of Above and Full Judicial Order

Check out Randazza v. Cox Docket and See how to REALLY use prior restraint to suppress speech and flat out steal online content AND top search engine placement. 

Lot's More Coming SOON on how to us a TRO effectively to Steal Content, Steal Search Engine Placement, Steal Intellectual Property and More. As inspired by Randazza Legal Group, Marc Randazza, J. DeVoy and Ronald Green. 

Questions or Tips??? eMail me at

#MarcRandazza #RandazzaQuotes #RandazzaLegalGroup #FreeSpeech 

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Marc J. Randazza, Randazza Legal Group Tactics Used by Attorneys to Bully and Harass Litigants by Blogger Crystal Cox

#MarcRandazza #RandazzaLegalGroup #JudicialRetaliation #GangStalkingAttorneys


Have a Marc Randazza Tip? eMail me at 

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Ever Wonder how to Use a TRO to Steal Online Content, Intellectual Property, Someone's Work Product and Proprietary Methods? And completely IGNORE the First Amendment? Wonder No More. Let Attorney Marc Randazza Show you the Way.

How to Side Step that Pesky First Amendment by using an Unconstitutional TRO, inspired by my former Unconstitutional, First Amendment Attorney Marc J. Randazza, Attorney Ronald Green and the Randazza Legal Group Law Firm.

Detailed Step By Step How To Coming Soon

Check out the Court Ruling Below whereby Randazza successfully WON is argument that A TRO is Unconstitutional.

"No. 3D12-3189 Lower Tribunal No. 11-17842,

Irina Chevaldina, Appellant,
R.K./FL Management, Inc., et al.,Appellee"

Absolutely Unconstitutional TRO Motion filed by my former attorney Marc Randazza. He was successful in using this Unconstitutional TRO to steal my intellectual property, my work product, my search engine placement, my online content, and flat out steal blogs and domain names with NO First Amendment Adjudication whatsoever

Click Below to Read, and You too Can STEAL Content, Search Engine Placement and Intellectual Property via a TRO.
Case 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL Document 2 Filed 11/28/12

Also Check Out links below for Tips and Trick to use the Power of the Courts to your Benefit. No worry about those bad reviews or Gripe Sites, just get a TRO and WaLa you OWN the Constitutional Rights and Property of anyone you please. 

"First Amendment Attorney Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group SAYS that Preliminary Injunctions are unconstitutional, they are unlawful prior restraint, they are "patently unconstitutional", they are clearly an "unconstitutional remedy". Especially if there was no prior First Amendment Adjudication."

"Pro Se Litigant Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox Pokes a BIT of FUN at the OUTBREAK of Preliminary Injunctions, Sweeping Rapidly, Seemingly Out of Control, through the District of Nevada, yet Granny Goose Alleges these RULINGS are an "extraordinary remedy". Crystal Cox Calls BULLSHIT. ViaView , Inc. Plaintiff v. BLUE MIST MEDIA; ERIC S. CHANSON; KEVIN C. BOLLAERT; CODY ALVIAR; ROY E. CHANSON; and AMY L. CHANSON ~ Randazza V. Cox, Who Will be NEXT?"

"Marc Randazza Defends Rush Limbaugh in ALLEGED Free Speech Rights, While Marc Randazza TAKES away the Rights of Free Speech and First Amendment Rights of ALL Bloggers and Citizens Journalists."
First Amendment Attorney Marc J. Randazza SUES blogger Crystal L. Cox to Suppress her Speech. 5 years later wants her to pay his legal fees for his Unconstitutional Retaliatory Lawsuit against her. $350,000 to SUE a Blogger over a $10 Domain Name that Trademark Attorney, Domain Name, First Amendment Expert Marc Randazza was to damn dumb to buy. WOW. Check out these BILLS folks. All to suppress the speech of someone speaking critical of big baby Marc Randazza.

A Trademark Attorney, First Amendment Expert SUES a former client claiming a Trademark Infringement on Gripe Sites.

Oh and Don't Miss the Infamous Kaplan Letter where Hypocritical Attorney Marc Randazza and his law firm Randazza Legal Group really lay it on thick. (The opposite argument he made in suing me, Crystal Cox, his former client.)

Much more Details Coming soon, so that you to Can use the Power and Privilege of our Court System to get a TRO against your enemy speaking critical of you and not have to concern yourself with the First Amendment or any kind of actual factual due process. 

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

For Immediate Release: AAAPG’s Protest Against Abusive Guardianship of the Elderly

"Americans Against Abusive Probate Guardianship (AAAPG) will hold a rally on November 16th, 2017 during the National Conference of Probate Judges convention to protest the scourge of Elder Abuse in probate court guardianships around the country.

“Gone unchecked, a court appointed guardian of an elderly person can become abusive and exploitive very quickly,” said Dr. Sam Sugar, founder of AAAPG in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Dr. Sugar, Founder of AAAPG, will lead the protest which will call attention to the plight of the elderly and their families and of the financial and physical danger that can await them in probate court.

“When an application for guardianship is filed in any probate court in the U.S., you are putting a loved one at risk of their life and flagging the government that their estate and your inheritance are up for grabs,” Dr. Sugar said. He added, “The majority of honest Probate Judges should be reminded and outraged that a small minority of Probate Judges in hotspots around the Country are perverting the laws designed to protect the vulnerable among us into a racket to defraud, abuse and exploit seniors and their families and take their estates”.

Abusive Guardianships have been prominent in the news recently, to wit:

The New Yorker-How the Elderly Lose Their Rights October 2, 2017 NPR, "On Point" - State Sanctioned Guardians October 5, 2017 NPR, "On Point"

Why Guardianship Abuse Occurs October 5, 2017 The Root-Is the Adult Guardianship and Probate Court System Exploiting the Vulnerable? October 10, 2017 Reuters, U.S. News

Spotlight, a Look at Guardianships October 20, 2017 Glenn Beck-"Someone Kidnapped my Parents", Nevada was Sheltering Elder Abuse October 23, 2017 Gary Toms, Syndicated Radio-Fraudulent Guardianships and Probate Courts October 23, 2017

Media are invited to cover this event.

AAAPG Protest Against Abusive Probate Guardianships
November 16, 2017 1-3 PM
Ponte Vedra Inn and Cub
200 Ponte Vedra Blvd, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082

See this link for our press kit!4155&parId=5DA8C19320796548!158&app=Word&wacqt=mru

Thank you"

Source and Printable Press Release

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Expose Corrupt Attorneys and Judges - Investigative Blogger for Hire

Would you like deep online investigations into the parties and aspects of your case?  Would you like PR, SEO, Press Releases, Investigative Blogging, Deep Research and blogging regarding your court case? My name is Crystal L. Cox, I am a VERY good investigative blogger and I am offering services for your case. Email me for my rates at